Sticky Learning
Learning is hard, it takes continued effort and can be tiring. You need to find out how to learn effectively with the minimum amount of effort.
This page will give you science based tips and tricks for how to learn easily and make your learning STICK.
Top learning tips:
- Set smart targets
- Ask for feedback
- One thing at a time
- Do it from memory
Set smart targets
"Practice only makes perfect if you know what perfect looks like."
Imagine your friend was trying to get better at taking penalties. But every time they took a shoot they just booted it in a random direction. What target would you give them to help them improve?
Set yourself achievable goals e.g. your friend should aim to hit the top left corner in 5/10 shots they take.
The targets need to be specific and measurable. Don't just say "I'm gonna do some physics revision for an hour", a better target would be "I will get 70% on these practice questions about energy stores"
Ask for feedback
"Feedback is free education to excellence."
Did you know that teachers LOVE when students ask for feedback? That's because it gives us a chance to see what you REALLY KNOW and give you advice about how to improve.
If your teacher only gets to mark your book once every few weeks, how much can they possibly correct?!
If you really want to improve your understanding, ask your teacher to read your work or test you on something you have just learned.
One thing at a time
"can't think, brain has too many tabs open"
Most people think they can multi-task but actually we are all terrible at it!
Studies repeatedly show that when we try to multi-task we do worse at both tasks, but often think we have done just as well.
Even small things like having your phone in your pocket or stopping for a few minutes to talk to a friend make a big difference to your outcomes.
Think of your attention like a steam train - powerful, but hard to get going again once it stops.
Do it from memory