Growing bacteria (triple)
What do you need to know?
What do you need to know?
Practical investigations on this topic can be examined in two different ways:
- Preparation of a sterile colony of bacteria
- Investigation into the effects of antibiotics or other chemicals
Students are often asked about precautions they can take
- Sterilizing the inoculating loop with a flame or ethanol kills unwanted bacteria
- Working near a flame causes convection currents to rise up so bacterial spores are carried away
- Wearing gloves ONLY protects the scientist and DOES NOT reduce the chance of contaminating the culture
In an investigation
- Samples are incubated at 20C to prevent growth of pathogens
- Use π r2 to measure the area of bacterial colonies
What type of organism is a bacterial cell?
What type of organism is a bacterial cell?
Prokaryote (in the Kingdom Bacteria and the Domain Eubacteria)
What are the features of a bacterial cell?
What are the features of a bacterial cell?
No nucleus, but DNA is in plasmids or free floating
Cell wall made of peptidoglycan
What is the name of the type of bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics?
What is the name of the type of bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics?
MRSA is the most common answer
C. difficile is another example that can be used.