GCSE Exam paper resources
GCSE Exam Papers
AI Marked papers - use our AI marked papers to give you better feedback than marking yourself. Don't assume the AI is wrong, but look to see what you DID NOT do. If you think there is a mistake, flag it.
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Predicted papers - 2024 NOW LIVE
These papers are based on content that has not been assessed in recent exam series. It therefore has a higher chance of coming up (but no guarantee)
Either way, its all good practice. There are some great explanations of each of these papers on YouTube via a subscription. (Buy for one month, then cancel). Make sure you to select the right tier.
Foundation 24 AI
Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2
Or log into https://school.sainaptic.com/
Higher 24 AI
Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2
Or log into https://school.sainaptic.com/
Triple 24 AI
Links only work for 11x1, 11y1
Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2
Physics 1 Physics 2
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